You'll be the 'voice' of a chosen league, which will involve 6 Team Managers.
They'll report to you about any issues they have, (e.g. new equipment, more ice-packs, uniforms) and we'll be ready and waiting to hear anything that needs to be addressed in your league. Just forward it onto the Junior or Senior Chief Coach (depending on your league)
If possible, we'd like you to get to know your league, maybe introduce yourself to the Team Managers during the first few games so they have a friendly face. Watch some of the games, and just make sure there are no issues during games (unfair play, unruly behaviour, etc)
We'll give you the emails of the team managers, simply make a group email for them and forward them any information you may receive from the club.

Every player needs someone to look up to and to take advice from.
The Junior League players don't need tactics, just some basic outlines of positions and the rules, they'll soon find their way. So if you can spare some time during the week we'd love it if you could put your name down as possibility of being a coach.
What a more encouraging way to get into the game, knowing that Mum or Dad is the coach! Wanting to tackle on something in the Senior League? We'll help you out with free Coaching Clinics during the year.
KINDY / PRE-PRIMARY is the most fun, you just need to let them run and kick the ball. There are some basic rules when the ball is out of play, but with no Goalies, throw-ins, corners or goal kicks, this is where they can learn the basics.
YEAR 1/2s have usually found their feet, so they need to know about defending and attacking (they're still going to run in groups but try and space them out)
YEAR 3/4s is the league where things change. They're between the junior club and senior club, so will need to know about the offside rule as this is introduced in the senior club. Knowing their positions are critical, as they will soon run out of breath on the senior pitches!
YEAR 5/7s and YEAR 8/12s is when the teams play on a full field with full rules. This is not to say that a parent with no experience but with passion could not train, it will just require a little knowledge of the game and the willingness to do a little research.
​Structured skills and drills, together with fitness and game strategies, become the focus with these age groups. No additional time is required for training but game-play preparation is most likely necessary.
We strongly encourage all our coaches in to ensure as close to equal amounts of game time is given to all players regardless of ability. CUSC pride ourselves on creating a competitive, but friendly rivalry amongst the players.
The best drills are ones you create yourself, but for starters check out these links:
Download the A4 Soccer Map (PDF) and Player List (DOC), stick velcro tabs under the names and on the field. This will help you keep track of what player is to be on what position (great for showing the team before the game so they know where they are!)

You'll be the 'glue' that keeps the team together via email.
A role for anyone that's good with email, you'll primarily have to do 3 things:
1) Setup a group email for your team at the start of the season. You'll need to email them weekly about training, and who you are playing on game days. (Here's a sample email to send out) Not a fan of email? Set up a team group on Messenger or Whatsapp!
2) Organise a roster for the families each week (from the Word template below). Each week nominate a family to; bring oranges, fill out the fairest & best form and to help with goal packup / setup. (Kindy/PP only do oranges!)
3) Bring the team box to each game, (which you collect from the containers before your first game). The box includes goalie shirt, goalie gloves, fairest and best forms, and 'player of the match' awards for the Coach to hand out. (K/PP League don't have goalie gear or F&B forms)
It's that simple.
All Junior Club games are refereed by Senior Club players who have undertaken online training and mentoring. This means parents, who are not the coaches have the opportunity to sit back and enjoy the game from the side-line.
As these are young adults it is important that all parents remember to be an active role-model to their child and support the referees.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the development of players in the Senior Club. We are looking for more individuals who who'd like to referee games in the Junior Club. There is an online course to complete, and then you'll be eligible to start refereeing and we even schedule it in around your game times. Please contact us if you are interested.​
Senior teams have experienced referees and linesman affiliated with our club that follow full rules. We again ask that all parents/guests on the sidelines continue to be an active role-model and support the referees and allow coaches to managers to complete their jobs effectively.
Browse through the Laws of the Game immediately at https://laws.myfootballclub.com.au/ and register for a FREE account if you wish to complete the interactive workbook and receive your Laws of the Game Certificate.
Complete the course and email it through to us, and attention it to
our Referee Coordinator cuscrefcoordinator@gmail.com


We have put together policies and documentation to help further solidify Carey United's morals and principles that we adhere to as a club.

various roles are required to RUN THE club, please think about BEING PART OF IT.
PRESIDENT: Guide and oversee roles, and finalise decisions for the club moving forward.
CLUB MANAGER: Be in charge of all club activities.
REGISTRAR: Some basic accounting experience would definitely help. You'll need to enter in manual registrations at the start of the season into a spreadsheet, send invoices, manage payments and banking through the main account.
CLUB POLICIES: Keep our documentation and policies up to date, look into incidents and see how they can be avoided.
FUNDRAISING/SPONSORSHIP: Source and find local businesses willing to sponsor the club, donations big or small get put back into the club. You will be the main liaison with these businesses.
LINEMARKING: Help maintain the pitches by marking out the lines with a linemarking machine. You will be trained and supervised, and be rostered on with others.
DESIGN/PRINTING: Design / update various items needed for print, such as player of the match certificates, fairest and best forms, photo designs, logos for team boxes, signage.
UNIFORMS: Check over uniform before ordering with our supplier. Organise and order the Coaches shirts for the season.
WEBSITE: Run and maintain the website using Wix (an easy clickable interface). No coding experience needed, just click, drag and type. Keep various links updated such as Registration page, Events, and the Fixtures page (through Google Docs)
FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM: Keep our Facebook and Instagram updated with images and content. If design isn't your thing, you'll need to work in conjunction with the club's designer.
REFEREE COORDINATOR (PAID): Be in charge of the referees for the season. Organise weekly rosters and liaise with the group through Facebook Messenger.
CANTEEN COORDINATOR (PAID): Setup and run the canteen each week, organise the buns, and supplies, supervise other parents on shift, and deal with the cash.
LEAGUE COORDINATORS: Run and supervise Leagues on Game Days. Be sure most adults are following spectator rules, no children hanging on goals, near the pitch, etc.
GENERAL COMMITTEE: Help things run easier in the mornings by putting out flags, help put the barrier rope, setup the canteen, jump on the canteen if busy, pump up player of the match balls, setup goals... there is always plenty to do, so help a fellow parent out, or even ask a committee member!

Click the image below to view instructions on how the goals are setup for each League.
​Please take the time to read them so they can be looked after and last a long time.